Hey! I'm Lesley Dent
I'm a web developer
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What I Do

I build full-stack, interactive web apps. Here are some things that are important to me.

Intuitive UX | UI

Easy to use, intuitive UX/UI. Pixel perfect responsive design suitable for any device.

High Performance

Fast load times and lag free interaction with asynchronous functionality.

Dynamic Data

Websites shouldn't have to be static. The world is always changing and data should too.

How I Do It

Some Things I've Made

Here's a few things I've been working on lately.

A 1980s inspired text adventure game made with React and Firebase
A full stack YouTube clone with a custom API
A fun practice in React Hooks and Styled Components

Who Even Is This Girl?

Lesley Dent

Full Stack Web Developer

I'm a Full-Stack Web Developer based in Toronto, ON.
I have serious passion for UI effects and creating intuitive, dynamic user experiences. I enjoy working with ES6, React, Node, Express and Firebase and I'm always excited to learn new technologies.

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